Fibrosis Quística
"Tú respiras sin pensar... yo sólo pienso en respirar"
Lema de la Federación Española de Fibrosis Quística
[1]- Ratjen, F., Doring, G. (2003) Cystic fibrosis. Lancet 361, 681-689.
[2]- Lucy A. Chambers, Brett M. Rollins, Robert Tarran (2007) Liquid movement across the surface epithelium
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[3]- Gómez Arniges, Maite. “Caracterización molecular y funcional del canal TRPV4 en el epitelio respiratorio y
su relación con la fisiopatología de la Fibrosis Quística”. Directores: Miguel Ángel Valverde de Castro y
Esther Vázquez Gómez. Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Departamento de ciencias experimentales y de la salud. 2006.
[4]- De Semir Frappart, David. “Reparación de mutaciones en el gen CFTR como estrategia de terapia génica para la
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[5] Dra. Silvia Hernández (2006) El modelo animal en las investigaciones biomédicas. BIOMEDICINA, 2006, 2 (3) - 252-256 ISSN: 1510-9747
[6]- Jonathan H. Widdicombe (2010). Transgenic animals may help resolve a sticky situation in cystic fibrosis. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. Vol 120, 3093-3096.
[7]- Xingshen Sun, Ziying Yan, Yaling Yi, Ziyi Li, Diana Lei, Christopher S. Rogers, Juan Chen, Yulong Zhang, Michael J. Welsh, Gregory H. Leno, and John F. Engelhardt (2008). Adeno-associated virus–targeted disruption of the CFTR gene in cloned ferrets. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. Vol 118, 1578- 1583.
[8]- Michael J. Welsh, Christopher S. Rogers, David A. Stoltz, David K. Meyerholz and Randall S. Prather (2009). Development of a porcine model of Cystic Fibrosis. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN CLINICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, VOL. 120, 149-162.
[9]- Rogers CS, Hao Y, et al. Production of CFTR-null and CFTR DeltaF508 heterozygous pigs by adeno-associated virus-mediated gene targeting and somatic cell nuclear transfer. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 118 (4): 1571-7, 2008.
[10]- Material audiovisual CBATEG “Terapia génica”.
[11]- Material audiovisual de la entrevista a Fátima Bosch per Eduard Punset “Genes en lugar de Fármacos”.
[12]- Uta Griesenbach, Eric W.F.W. Alton and on behalf of the UK Cystic Fibrosis Gene Therapy Consortium (2009). Gene transfer to the lung: Lessons learned from more than 2 decades of CF gene therapy. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 61 (2009) 128–139.
[13]- Mayumi Oakland, Patrick L Sinn and Paul B McCray Jr. (2012) Advances in Cell and Gene-based Therapies for Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease. Molecular Therapy vol. 20 no. 6, 1108–1115.
[14]- Alton EW, Boyd AC, Cheng SH, Cunningham S, Davies JC, Gill DR, Griesenbach U, Higgins T, Hyde SC, Innes JA, Murray GD, Porteous DJ (2013). A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase IIB clinical trial of repeated application of gene therapy in patients with cystic fibrosis. Thorax. 2013 Mar 22. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203309.